value of expectation

英 [ˈvæljuː ɒv ˌekspekˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˈvæljuː əv ˌekspekˈteɪʃn]




  1. Through the study on the connotation and value of musical psychological education, this article puts forward expectation to music teachers from the perspectives of role changing, ability i.
  2. These figures measure the value to the financial system of the reduction in counterparty risk that financial conglomerates enjoy from access to a large retail deposit base and the expectation of government support.
  3. Huxiang Culture is a kernel value of the teleplay, which meets spectators'aesthetic expectation to trace the spiritual source.
  4. A digestibility value of 70-80 percent seems a reasonable expectation.
  5. The activity of these neurons might be related to the value of the expected reward or to the degree of motivation induced by expectation of the reward.
  6. Based on the customer value principle, this paper proposes the demand decision-making process with mental models of customer expectation for client goal realization.
  7. Although it embodies the value target and political ideal of the political subjects, it can't satisfy the people's expectation of the constantly increasing happiness.
  8. RMB has been confronting with multi-pressures of appreciation at the present time because of the increase in intrinsic value of RMB itself, the depreciation of basket-money and market appreciation expectation.
  9. To mitigate these contradictions, universities must modify their ideas of management, strengthen guidance for employment, and help graduates form the outlook of employment first, selection second and the creation of career last so as to modify their employment value of expectation.
  10. The means of characteristic value estimate ( N ( 0, 1) estimate) is suggested to demonstrate that the domain of expectation estimate has the quality of containment and that classic estimate is boundary estimate of the domain of expectation estimate.
  11. The Research on Customer Value and Mental Models of the Expectation
  12. Conclusion: The value of normal university graduates 'state anxiety is higher than undergraduates' and their main influencing factors are sex, education level, parents 'career, attitude and income expectation to future vocation.
  13. At last, it analyzes the commercial value of this software design mode, and make a expectation.
  14. Doing Homework On the Estimated Value of the Expectation and Variance for Activity Time in PERT
  15. Channels on Realizing Optimum Value of Expectation for Lcc& Analysis of Risks and Management in Research Period of project
  16. This thesis, which combines Lin Shu's translation with Lu Xun's, states the effect of the translator's value standpoint and the reader's horizons of expectation for the foreign literature.
  17. The results indicated that Chinese College students 'sex stereotype reflected some traditional Chinese value of sex. Further comparison showed that the effect of gender tended to be stronger on sex stereotype than on sex related role expectation.
  18. When the market is complete, the present value of any derivative security is equivalent to mathematical expectation of its underlying profit discount value under equivalent martingale measurement.
  19. The core value of ads designing lies in realizing long expectation for selling and profits.
  20. Therefore chapter 3 first discusses the concept of customer value. Then it puts forward the three levels of customer value creation, namely fundamental value, customer desired value, and the value of surpassing competitors or customer expectation.
  21. Public welfare is the utmost value of modern public administration, so its development witnesses the expectation on the role of public administration, and It's also one of the most significant policies which was used to influence the development of modern society by the government.
  22. Section ⅳ explains the results of the model and gives two reliable models to calculate the value of VaR. At last pointes out some shortcomings of this paper and the future research directions. The fifth chapter is a summary of full text and a expectation of model application.
  23. The last part of conclusion analysis of the new century the value and problems of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" fictions, as well as to the new century literary creation expectation about rural subjects.
  24. Occurrence of extreme value risk will cause the deviation of compensation of insurance business from the normal expectation, influence the experience of insurance and probably lead to the deficit or even bankrupt.
  25. The market price of loans involved in the loss function is redefined as the ratio of present value of future cash flow to the loan, calculation of its expectation is showed with an example.
  26. The third chapter introduces the concept of value of anticipated possibility, then the possibility of expectation and Chinese traditional legal thought resonance point, look forward to the possibility of introducing is to look for.
  27. Employment expectation value is a standard composed by payment, working place, promise of development, training opportunities and other factors, which is used to measure college students 'expectation of employment.
  28. Many scholars think that fair value accounting is a model for measurement, which focuses on the dynamic process of assets and liabilities, and reflects the expectation of the value of an asset on current economic conditions.